Flap Surgery
Flap surgery is often used in breast reconstruction and other procedures designed to restore form and function to body areas that have lost skin, muscle mobility, fat, and/or skeletal support. The experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeons here at the Long Island Plastic Surgical Group have trained in some of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world and have an extremely high rate of skill in performing a range of flap surgery procedures. We aim to rebuild what has been lost with improved function and natural-looking results.
Contact the plastic and reconstructive surgeons at New York Plastic Surgical Group, a Division of Long Island Plastic Surgical Group for more information on flap surgery at our practice.
Flap Reconstruction Surgery
A flap is living tissue relying on its own blood supply that is moved from one area of the body to another. A local flap uses a section of skin and tissue that are near the wounded area. One end of the flap remains attached so that it is continuously nourished by its original blood supply. The flap is ultimately repositioned over the treatment site.
Breast Reconstruction Flap Types
There are a number of flap types that can be used in breast reconstructive surgery. These include:
Regional Flap
This type of flap uses a section of tissue attached by a specific blood vessel. After the flap has been lifted, a very narrow attachment to the original site is necessary for the flap to receive its blood supply from the vein and artery.
Musculocutaneous Flap
Also known as a muscle and skin flap, a musculocutaneous flap is typically utilized when the treatment area needs more bulk and a more abundant blood supply. These types of flaps are often used in breast reconstruction to rebuild the breast. Musculocutaneous flaps remain tethered to their original blood supply.
Bone/Soft Tissue Flap
This flap is composed of bone and overlying skin carrying its own blood supply that is transferred to the treatment area.
Microvascular Free Flap
A microvascular free flap is a section of skin and tissue that has been completely detached from the original site. The flap is then reattached to the treatment site by connecting the small blood vessels.
If you are considering breast reconstruction surgery – or procedures designed to reconstruct portions of the body that have been lost due to cancer, trauma, and other causes – please contact one of our plastic and reconstructive surgeons at New York Plastic Surgical Group. We will be happy to meet with you and discuss your options. NYPS Group doctors can help you rebuild what has been lost with natural, beautiful results.
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